Emadeddin Baghi — is a prominent Iranian rights activist and leading prisoners rights advocate, and a renowned Iranian investigative journalist. He is the founder and head of the Committee for the Defense of Prisoners Rights and the Society of Right to Life… … Wikipedia
Emad Baghi — is an Iranian human rights activist and founder of the Association for Defense of Prisoners’ Rights. Among Baghi s published books are The Tragedy of Democracy in Iran, Clerics and Power, and a study that criticizes the government on its own… … Wikipedia
Islamische Revolution — Ajatollah Chomeini bei seiner Rückkehr aus dem Exil am 1. Februar 1979 am Flughafen in Teheran Die Islamische Revolution (persisch انقلاب اسلامی Enghelāb e Eslāmi) auch Enghelāb e Panjah Haft (Revolution 57) war eine vielschichtige Bewe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi — Schah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sultan Rahi — Sultan Muhammad (Urdu:سلطان محمد) (popularly known as Sultan Rahi) (1938 January 9, 1996) was a Pakistani film actor who firmly established himself as the biggest film personality from Pakistan in Punjabi films during the 1970s and 1980s. He was… … Wikipedia
SAVAK — (Kurzform von Sazeman e Ettela at va Amniat e Keshvar, persisch سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور), in Europa auch unter der Transkription Saseman Amniat va Etelaot Keschwar bekannt, war von 1957 bis 1979 der iranische Nachrichtendienst. Sazeman … Deutsch Wikipedia
Weiße Revolution — Schah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi redet auf dem Nationalkongress der Bauern des Iran, 11. Januar 1963 Die Weiße Revolution, eigentlich Engleab e Shah va Mellat (Revolution von Schah und Nation) oder Engleab e Shah va Mardom (Revolution von Schah und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Al Kayssar — Surnom Amine Snoop Nom Amine Aboudrar أمين أبو درار Naissance 27 avril 1977 (1977 04 27) (34 ans) Casablanca Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Timeline of Afghanistan (April 2003) — NOTOC This is a timeline of the history of Afghanistan in April 2003. The list is not complete and you are welcome to expand it. Tuesday, April 1, 2003 Speaking on Afghan television, the Information and Culture Minister, Makhdum Rahin, said that… … Wikipedia
Bagi, the Monster of Mighty Nature — Infobox animanga/Header name = Bagi, the Monster of Mighty Nature caption = ja name = 大自然の魔獣 バギ ja name trans = Daishizen no Majū Bagi genre = DramaInfobox animanga/Anime TV movie = yes title = director = Osamu Tezuka studio = Tezuka Productions… … Wikipedia