

There are two waterfalls named Skakavac in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first is 12 km from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its height is about 98 meters.

The second is in the primeval forest Perucica, near Foča. Its height is about 82 meters.

The Skakavac waterfall near Sarajevo is one of the greatest and most attractive waterfalls in BiH and it stands for a real tourist attraction. The waterfall is 98 meters high and placed in the landscape of exceptional beauty. The surroundings are one of the most heterogenic areas in that region dominated by spruce and fir and beech and fir forests with spruce on more pronounced slopes. On shallow carbon grounds in the vicinity od the waterfall, there are termofil forests and underbrushes of eastern hornbeam and autumn locust as well as eastern hornbeam and manna ash. The rocks surrounding the waterfall have a very interesting vegetation dominated by endemic and relic types. The waterfall at Skakavac is for more than one reason, one of the most attractive tourist sites in the vicinity of Sarajevo.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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