TEMURAH — (Heb. תְּמוּרָה; exchange ), sixth tractate in the Mishnah order of Kodashim, with Tosefta and Gemara in the Babylonian Talmud. In seven chapters (the Tosefta has four), it deals with the regulations concerning the exchange of an animal… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Temurah (Kabbalah) — Temurah is one of the three ancient methods, the other two are Gematria and Notarikon, used by the Kabbalists to rearrange words and sentences in the Bible, in the belief that by this method they can derive the esoteric substratum and deeper… … Wikipedia
Temurah (Halacha) — In Jewish Law, Temurah ( Hebrew: תמורה, literally: exchange ) is the prohibition against attempting to switch the sanctity of an animal that has been sanctified for the Temple in Jerusalem with another non sanctified animal. It explicitly stated… … Wikipedia
temurah — … Useful english dictionary
Midrash Temurah — Rabbinic Literature Talmudic literature Mishnah • Tosefta Jerusalem Talmud • Babylonian Talmud Minor tractates Halakhic Midrash Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael (Exodus) Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon (Exodus) Sifra (Leviticus) Sifre (Numbers Deuteronomy)… … Wikipedia
Kodashim — This page is about Kodashim, a section of the mishnah. See Kedoshim (parsha) for the Torah portion by that name. Kodashim or Qodhashim (Hebrew קדשים, Holy Things) is the fifth Order in the Mishna (also the Tosefta and Talmud). Of the six Orders… … Wikipedia
Kabbalah — (Cabala, Kabala, Qabalah) The mysticism of classical Judaism, and part of the foundation of the Western magical tradition. Kabbalah is derived from the Hebrew word QBL (Qibel), meaning “to receive” or “that which is received.” It refers… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
WOMAN — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the historical perspective biblical period marriage and children women in household life economic roles educational and managerial roles religious roles women outside the household… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kabbalah — This article is about traditional Jewish Kabbalah. For other Kabbalistic traditions see Christian Cabbalah, Hermetic Qabalah, and Practical Kabbalah Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Aaron ben Elijah — (Aharon son of Eliyahu), the Latter, of Nicomedia (אהרון בן אליהו האחרון; born 1328 or 1329 in Nicomedia [http://search.eb.com/eb/article 9003210 Aaron ben Elijah. ] Encyclopædia Britannica . 13 January 2007] ndash; 1369 in Constantinople) is… … Wikipedia