Restricted use pesticide

Restricted use pesticide

Because of safety concerns, some pesticides are not available to the general public in the United States. The "Restricted Use" classification restricts a product, or its uses, to use by a certificated pesticide applicator or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.

Certification programs are administered by the individual states and the requirements vary from state to state.

Pesticides are classified as "restricted use" for a variety of reasons:
* Accident history
* Potential for or history of groundwater contamination
* Acute toxicity to humans
* Application scenario likely to be hazardous; e.g. fumigants.
* Toxicity to vulnerable nontarget plants or animals, particularly away from the site of application: fish, migrant birds
* Carcinogenic or mutagenic product

Atrazine is the most widely used restricted-use herbicide.

Many insecticides and fungicides used in fruit production are restricted use.

ee also

* Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
* pesticide misuse
* Toxicity Class

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