July 31, 2003

July 31, 2003

=July 31, 2003=

* The Israeli parliament passed a law preventing Palestinians married to Israelis from gaining Israeli citizenship or residency rights. The law is thought necessary to maintain the Jewish character of the state of Israel, today inhabited by 20% Arabs. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3111727.stm]
* It is reported that the United States is secretly negotiating with Iran to trade members of Mujahadeen al-Khalq captured by the U.S. in Iraq for members of al-Qaida being held by Iran.
*Admiral John Poindexter, former United States National Security Advisor, is rumored to be planning his resignation from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency following Congressional objections to DARPA's proposed plan to create a futures exchange for terrorist activities. Poindexter was convicted on multiple counts for his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair. [http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/0703/31poindexterquits.html]
*The Vatican releases a document entitled "Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons", in which it rejects same-sex marriage and urges Catholic lawmakers to oppose it in their countries.
*In Canada, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Liberal party leadership candidate Paul Martin Jr., both Roman Catholics, indicate that they will continue to advance a bill for same-sex marriage in Canada despite the Vatican's pronouncement, citing the separation of church and state.
*A US$30 million payment to the informant who led U.S. soldiers to Qusay and Uday Hussein was approved by the U.S. government. The informant will receive both $15 million rewards for Qusay and Uday, a spokesman for the United States Department of State said. [http://apnews.myway.com/article/20030801/D7SKSUKG0.html]

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  • July 7, 2003 — July 7, 2003= *MSNBC fires conservative talk show host Michael Savage for making several anti gay remarks towards a prank caller posing as a homosexual. Savage, who was angered by aggressive personal attacks made by East Coast Bob, the prank… …   Wikipedia

  • July 5, 2003 — July 5, 2003= *At least 16 people are killed and 40 injured by two female suicide bombers in an attack at Krylya, a popular music festival, at the Tushino airfield near Moscow. The Russian authorities blame an on going terrorism campaign by… …   Wikipedia

  • July 22, 2003 — July 22, 2003= *John Manley, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, drops out of the race to succeed Jean Chrétien as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and Prime Minister after conceding he cannot catch front runner Paul Martin, Jr.. [… …   Wikipedia

  • July 8, 2003 — July 8, 2003= *A worker at a Lockheed Martin aircraft parts factory in Meridian, Mississippi shoots 13 co workers, killing five, before committing suicide. Investigators are unsure of the motive. [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp… …   Wikipedia

  • July 19, 2003 — July 19, 2003= * The US Governing Council of Iraq announces that it has failed to select a new Iraqi President. [http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2003 07 19 iraq council x.htm] * Doctors in Vienna transplant a human tongue at Vienna… …   Wikipedia

  • July 21, 2003 — July 21, 2003= * [http://www.npr.org npr.org] s All Things Considered program aired a humorous article on the [http://discover.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.jhtml?prgDate=07/21/2003 prgId=2 Wiki phenomenon] , and on Wikipedia.org. * Jong Wook Lee… …   Wikipedia

  • July 16, 2003 — July 16, 2003= * Seán Ó Muireagáin, a Northern Irish journalist, arrested by Israel and held for five days without legal representation in a case of mistaken identity, is released and leaves Israel. The affair causes considerable embarrassment to …   Wikipedia

  • July 3, 2003 — July 3, 2003= * The World Meteorological Organisation publishes a report stating that recent extreme weather conditions around the world may mark changes in global climate caused by global warming. [http://news.independent.co.uk/world/environment/… …   Wikipedia

  • July 10, 2003 — July 10, 2003= * The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund announces that on legal advice it has frozen its funds as it faces a demand for £15 million ($25 million) damages for alleged malicious prosecution from the Franklin Mint in the US. The… …   Wikipedia

  • July 15, 2003 — July 15, 2003= * Scott McClellan replaces Ari Fleischer, as White House press secretary. [http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/07/20030715 2.html] …   Wikipedia

  • July 17, 2003 — July 17, 2003= * Same sex marriage in Canada: The federal government releases its draft bill to extend marriage rights to same sex couples while protecting the rights of clergy not to perform marriages that run counter to their religious beliefs …   Wikipedia

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