Diagnosis: Unknown — Genre Medical drama Created by Alan Woods James A. Bank, based on Diagnosis: Homicide by Lawrence G. Blochman Written by Joel Carpenter Arnold Manoff Bill S. Ballinger Elliott Norman Steven Gethers Theodore Apstein Alvin Boretz Ernest Kinoy … Wikipedia
List of Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Short Story winners — Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Short Story: Winners 2000s* 2008 Susan Straight The Golden Gopher * 2007 Charles Ardai The Home Front * 2006 James W. Hall The Catch * 2005 Laurie Lynn Drummond Something About a Scar * 2004 G. Miki Hayden The Maids … Wikipedia
New York Public Library Main Branch — New York Public Library U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark … Wikipedia
New York Public Library — Coordinates: 40°45′10″N 73°58′54″W / 40.75270°N 73.98180°W / 40.75270; 73.98180 … Wikipedia
The Mysterious Traveler — For the Weather Report album, see Mysterious Traveller . The Mysterious Traveler was an anthology radio series, a magazine and a comic book. All three featured stories which ran the gamut from fantasy and science fiction to straight crime dramas… … Wikipedia
SAN DIEGO — SAN DIEGO, combined city county in S. California; county population 3 million (2005), Jewish population 89,000. Jewish life in San Diego started in what is called Old Town, near the San Diego River and just below the hill on which the Spanish… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Edgar Allan Poe Award — Der Edgar Allan Poe Award (kurz Edgar genannt) ist der weltweit populärste und gleichzeitig bedeutendste Preis für kriminalliterarische Werke in den USA. Er wird seit 1946 von den Mystery Writers of America (MWA) beim Edgar Awards Banquet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Collins Crime Club — The Collins Crime Club was an imprint of UK book publishers William Collins Co Ltd and ran from May 6, 1930 to April 1994. Customers registered their name and address with the club and were sent a newsletter every three months which advised them… … Wikipedia
Mystère magazine — est une revue à publication mensuelle, séquences de récits policiers ainsi compilés. C est la version française de la revue américaine d Ellery Queen s Mystery Magazine, publication des récits avec l accord de Mercury Publications , Inc New York… … Wikipédia en Français