Korg Poly-61

Korg Poly-61


image_caption = Poly-61
synth_name = Poly-61
synth_manufacturer = Korg
synthesis_type = Analog Subtractive
polyphony = 6 voices
timbrality = Monotimbral
oscillator = 2 DCOs per voice
filter = 1 low-pass per voice
attenuator = 1 VCA per voice
1 ADSR envelope per voice
lfo = 1
ext_control = Poly-61M has MIDI
memory = 64 patches
dates = 1982-1986
price =
keyboard = 61 keys

The Poly-61 is a programmable polyphonic synthesizer released by Korg in 1982, replacing the Polysix. It was notable as it was the first Korg synthesiser to feature a pushbutton user interface, dispensing from the Polysix's knobs and switches. Later versions of the instrument are called the Poly-61M and have basic MIDI implementation.

Audio path


The Poly-61 uses DCOs and has two per voice. DCO1 provides sawtooth, pulse, and PWM waveforms. DCO2 has only sawtooth and square.


The filter has the usual controls for cutoff, resonance, keyboard tracking and envelope amount. Some of these are rather limited by the poor parameter resolution. Keyboard tracking is simply "on" or "off" for example, and resonance and envelope level (here labelled "EG Intensity") have only 8 settings.


The final component in the audio path is a VCA. It can be driven by the envelope generator or a CV/Gate pulse.


Envelope generator

The envelope is an ADSR type. All parameters can be set to any of 16 levels.


The LFO (known as a 'modulation generator' on the Poly-61) is a simple triangle wave that can be routed to the DCOs or VCF. It has a variable delay before it is triggered

Differences from the Korg Polysix

Although similar in many ways, there are key differences between the two:
*Many parameters on the Poly-61 are limited to 8 settings, whereas the Polysix has better parameter resolution
*The Poly-61 has DCOs.
*The Poly-61 has two oscillators versus one on the Polysix
*The Poly-61M has MIDI
*The Poly-61 has 64 memories, instead of 32 on the Polysix
*The Polysix has an analog effects board, whereas the Poly-61 has no effects

External links


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