Rafi Pitts

Rafi Pitts

Rafi Pitts (born 1967 in Mashad, Iran) is an internationally acclaimed Iranian film director.

Educated in France and England, Rafi Pitts belongs to the "new wave" of Iranian cinema, which received numerous prestigious prizes in the international festival circuit.

In 2006, he was nominated for "Golden Bear" award of Berlin film festival for his movie, "It's winter".

Representative awards and honors

* Golden Bear, "nominated", Berlin Film Festival, 2006.
* Grand Prix, Paris Film Festival, 2001.
* Golden Moon of Valencia, Cinema Jove - Valencia International Film Festival, 2001.
* OCIC Grand Prix, Amiens International Film Festival, 1997.
* Special Prize of the Jury, Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival, 1997.

See also

* Iranian cinema

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