

Ellipi is an ancient kingdom located on the western side of the Zagros (modern Iran), between Babylonia at the west, Media at the north east, Mannae at the north and Elam at the south. The inhabitants of Ellipi were close parents of the Elamites.

The period of major development in Ellipi was from the IX to the VII centuries BC, as is reflected in archaeological research. The prosperity of the country came from the control of trade routes. They were also cattle dealers.

Dalta, or Talta, king of Ellipi, paid tibute to King Sargon II of Assyria since 714 BC. When Dalta died, his sons Nibe, supported by Elam, and Ishparaba, supported by Sargon II, started a civil war. Finally, Ishparaba become king of Ellipi.

After that, Ellipi was implied in the rebellions of Marduk-apal-iddina II and was strongly punished in 702 BC by king Sennacherib of Assyria, who took Marubishti, the capital city. During the VII century BC, Ellipi suffered Cimmerian invasions, and then disappears from our sources.


* Lendering, J.: " [http://www.livius.org/cg-cm/cimmerians/cimmerians.html Cimmerians] ", [http://www.livius.org www.livius.org]
* Liverani, M. (1995)): "El Antiguo Oriente: Historia, Sociedad y economía."
* Quintana, E. (1997): [http://www.um.es/ipoa/cuneiforme/elamita/ "Historia de Elam, el vecino mesopotámico."]
* Rogers, R. W. (1900): [http://www.aina.org/books/ahba/ahba2.htm "A History of Babylonia and Assyria" (Volume II)]

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