Honda Tadatomo

Honda Tadatomo

nihongo|Honda Tadatomo|本多忠朝 (1582-1615) a retainer of the Japanese clan of Tokugawa following the Azuchi-Momoyama period of the 16th century to the Edo period of the 17th century of Japan. Tadatomo was the younger son of the famous Honda Tadakatsu, one of Four Guardians of the Tokugawa. Tadatomo received a 100,000-koku fief at Otaki in Kazusa Province following the year of 1600. Tadatomo in the year of 1609 received Don Roderigo who as the Spanish Governor of Manila.

During the year of 1615, Tadatomo fought very valiantly during the Battle of Tennoji.Tadatomo led a valiant attack that led up to the death of Sanada Yukimura. Tadatomo himself did not survive the battle.

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