ANTLE (Affordable Near-Term Low Emissions) is a Rolls-Royce plc led research programme, funded by the EU, through the EEFAE (Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Aero Engine) project. All major European engine manufacturers are participating in EEFAE in an attempt to significantly alleviate the ecological impact of future aircraft engines.

Targets for the ANTLE programme are as follows:

* Reduction in CO2 emissions:12%
* Reduction in NOX emissions:60%
* Reduction in acquisition cost: 20%
* Reduction in life cycle cost: 30%
* Reduction in development cycle: 50%
* Improvement of reliability: 60%

ANTLE is one of the two experimental engines funded through EEFAE. The second one is CLEAN, which aims to demonstrate low emission technologies for the longer term.

The ANTLE Trent 500 based research engine has a new 5 stage HP compressor supplied by Rolls-Royce Deutschland. The new low emission lean burn combustor and unshrouded HP turbine units are Rolls-Royce UK supplied. Downstream is a variable-geometry IP turbine from Avio and ITP's new high duty LP turbine. Volvo Aero has provided a new turbine exhaust casing. Hispano Suiza’s new accessory gearbox, Goodrich’s new distributed control system, and Techspace Aero’s new oil system are also fitted.

Initial testing of the ANTLE engine has now concluded.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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