KO Beast

KO Beast

Infobox animanga/Header
name = K.O. BEAST

caption = Wan Derbard, Mei Mer and Bud Mint from K.O. Beast
ja_name = KO世紀ビースト三獣士
ja_name_trans = Kei Ō Seiki Bīsuto Sanjūshi
genre = Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mecha, Supernatural
Infobox animanga/OVA
title =
director = Hiroshi Negishi
studio = Project B4
episodes = 3
released = 1992
Infobox animanga/OVA
title = KO Beasts II
director = Hiroshi Negishi
studio = Project B4
episodes = 4
released =

"K.O. BEAST", known in Japan as Nihongo|"K.O. Century Beast Warriors"|KO世紀ビースト三獣士|KO Seiki Beast Sanjushi|, is an anime series.

It has been released in America by The Right Stuf International, but this was not its first Western release. In 1993-4 Anime UK, a British-based magazine which had risen from humble beginnings as a photocopied amateur fanzine to a professionally-produced mag, took the leap of bringing the first three episodes to the UK market on its own label (this was Anime UK's only release). The anime itself was fine in and of itself, but the dub was unintentionally hilarious, comprising a wild mishmash of accents from mockney and American to Essex Girl - and that was just the main three characters.

However, it is of note that the American Dub itself took it's fair share of liberties as well, making references to pokémon because voice cast also worked for the dub of Pokemon; though, more likely, the reason for the text alterations was to update some of the pop-culture references, as the American dub was produced some significant time after the original.


The series is set in the distant future in which the Earth is split in two. The Southern Hemisphere is placed in another dimension while the inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere are able to morph into beast-like humanoids. Eventually the humans of the Southern Hemisphere, led by Uranus, attack the Beasts.

Three Beasts : Wan Derbard (Wan Dabadadatta) of the Tiger Tribe, Bud Mint (Baado Mint) of the Bird Tribe and Mei Mer (Mei Mah) of the Mermaid Tribe are taken prisoner (along with Mei Mer's companion Tuttle Millen [Mekka Mannen] , also of the Mermaid tribe), but manage to escape thanks to a little girl named Yuuni Charm Password.

Together they seek Gaia, which they believe to be a fabulous treasure, but they are pursued by Uranus's minions : V-Darn the vicious mage-knight, V-Sion the warrior woman and Akumako, V-Darn's sadistic imp-like partner.


It has three main characters: Wan is the male leader who dresses in red; Bud Mint is the male loner; Mei Mer is the adult female. To these are added the child Yuni, who is female, and a bulky male Tuttle (so-written in the English subtitles) to complete a typical five-character adventure team.

All but Yuni are "beasts" who usually appear in anthropomorphic form but who can easily shapeshift: when Wan becomes angry, he turns into a tiger, though he still wears his trousers, as does Bud, who becomes a rooster when he is frightened or disgusted; Mei Mer's legs are replaced by a porpoise's tail; Tuttle becomes a sea turtle, his cumbersome body becoming an armored sphere. The first three are heroes of their tribes of beasts, each committed to protecting a magical statue of their tribe, which are called "Jinn." Each has a stereotypical childish desire: Wan is hungry, Bud Mint wants girls, Mei Mer wants wealth. In addition, Bud often begins his responses with English expletives or sayings. The joke is that the symbol of the US is the eagle, but he is a chicken.

Their enemies are the human beings V-Darn and V-Sion, whose names involve a pun on the Japanese word for "beautiful," namely "bi" for "v", and the story begins on the planet Uranus with all heroes captured and the three statues taken.

External links

* [http://www.hunters-guild.org/ko/ KO BEAST Page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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