- Lithogenic silica
Lithogenic silica (LSi) comes from the Greek words "lithos", which means "rock", and "genesis", which means "coming from". LSi is
silica that originates from terrestrial sources of rock and soil, i.e. fromsilicate minerals and crystals.In the marine
silicon cycle, LSi in the ocean is derived from rivers (5.6 Tmol Si/yr),eolian dust (0.5 Tmol Si/yr),hydrothermal vents (0.2 Tmol Si/yr),basalt weathering (0.4 Tmol Si/yr), and from benthic fluxes (23 Tmol Si/yr) from the sediment into the ocean's interior (Tréguer et al., 1995).LSi can either be accumulated "directly" in marine sediments or be transferred into
dissolved silica (DSi) in the water column.
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