Strongyle — (Greek: polytonic|Στρογγύλη Stroŋgúlē ): *Strongyle (worm) *Strongyli, part of the Santorini island complex, Greece *Stroggyli Kastellorizou *an older Greek name for Stromboli, Aeolian Islands, Italy … Wikipedia
strongyle — noun A nematode worm of the family Strongylidae, often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, especially horses … Wiktionary
strongyle — Common name for members of the family Strongylidae. [G. strongylos, round] * * * stron·gyle strän .jīl n STRONGYLID esp a worm of the genus Strongylus or closely related genera that is parasitic esp. in the intestines and tissues of the horse and … Medical dictionary
strongyle — [ strɒndʒɪl] noun a nematode worm of a group that includes several common disease causing parasites of mammals and birds. [Genus Strongylus.] Origin C19: from mod. L. Strongylus, from Gk strongulos round … English new terms dictionary
Red Grouse — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum … Wikipedia
threadworm — Common name for species of the genus Strongyloides; sometimes applied to any of the smaller parasitic nematodes. * * * thread·worm thred .wərm n any long slender nematode worm (as a pinworm or strongyle) * * * (pinworm) n. a parasitic nematode… … Medical dictionary
Horse care — There are many aspects to horse care. Horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and other domesticated equidae require attention from humans for optimal health and long life.Living environmentWorldwide, horses and other equids usually live outside with… … Wikipedia
Habronema — Taxobox | name = Habronema image caption = This is Habronema regnum = Animalia phylum = Nematoda classis = Secernentea ordo = Spirurida familia = Habronematidae genus = Habronema species = Habronema muscae binomial = binomial authority =… … Wikipedia
Stephanurus dentatus — The kidney worm or lard worm of swine, a strongyle nematode parasite species that also occurs, though rarely, in the liver of cattle. Adult worms in swine live in the perirenal fat, the kidney … Medical dictionary
threadworm — noun Date: 1802 a long slender nematode worm (as a pinworm or strongyle) … New Collegiate Dictionary