- Park No-ja
Infobox Korean name
rr=Bak No-ja
mr=Pak No-jaBiography
Park, No-ja (Russian: Владимир Тихонов,
1973 ~) was born to a Jewish family in St. Petersburg, Russia. His Russian name is Vladimir Tihonov but after immigrating to South Korea in 1999, he changed his name into a Korean-style name, Park No-ja and became naturalized as a Korean citizen in 2001. Fascinated by Korean movies and classical literature during his high school days, he decided to study Korean history. In his 16th year, he entered the department of Korean studies at St. Petersburg National University of Russia, and he made his first visit to Korea as an exchange student in 1991 and stayed in Seoul for about 3 months.After his bachelor’s degree, Park No-ja kept studying Korean history and was granted a doctorate from Moscow National University with his thesis about Gaya, a combination of city states which lasted until 6th century in southern part of Korea. While working on his degree, in 1992, Park No-ja met a Korean violinist, Paik Myong-jong (백명정, 1971- ) who was at that time studying at the Leningrad University of Russia, and they married in 1995. Park No-ja worked on translating Korean literature into Russian and wrote several liberal arts and sociology books about Korean culture and politics, including his best-selling book, ‘your Korea(당신들의 대한민국)’. His writings made him known as one of Korea’s influential progressive intellectuals, and brought on many controversial issues within Korea by sharp criticism.
He had taught Russian at Kyunghee University of Korea, and is now teaching Korean studies as a vice-professor in Oslo National University in Norway.
* "Your Korea2" (2006)
*:당신들의 대한민국2
* "I Accuse of the Century of Violence" (2005)
*:나는 폭력의 세기를 고발한다
* "The History which Betrayed Me" (2003)
*:나를 배반한 역사
* "There are Right and Left but not High and Low" (2002)
*:좌우는 있어도 위아래는 없다 (박노자의 북유럽 탐험)
* "Your Korea 1" (2001)
*:당신들의 대한민국1(In Collaboration)
* "Imaginative Power Changing the 21st Century" (2005)
*:6인 6색 21세기를 바꾸는 상상력
* "Surviving in a Swirl of the Great Powers" (2005)
*:열강의 소용돌이에서 살아남기
* "Realization in My Early Days" (2005)
*:젊은 날의 깨달음
* "The Age of Anxieties, in the Middle of Pain" (2005)
*:불안의 시대 고통의 한복판에서
* "The Empire of a White Mask" (2003)
*:하얀 가면의 제국 (오리엔탈리즘, 서구 중심의 역사를 넘어)
* "Outsiders 6,8,10,12,13" (2002~2003)
*: 아웃사이더 6,8,10,12,13
* "In the Front Line of Our History" (2003)
*:우리 역사 최전선
* "Monuments of Deserters" (2003)
*:탈영자들의 기념비External links
* Private homepage of Park, No-Ja:
* Private homepage of Park, No-Ja about East Asia:
* Interview (English)
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