- Pachydactylus
name = Pachydactylus
image_size = 240px
image_caption = Bibron's Gecko, "Pachydactylus bibronii"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo =Squamata
familia =Gekkonidae
subfamilia =Gekkoninae
genus = "Pachydactylus""Pachydactylus" is a
genus ofarboreal insectivorousgecko found primarily inAfrica , commonly known as Thick-toed Gecko.The genus is characterised by dilated toe tips, usually with undivided scansors. Body scales are small, granular and non-overlapping, with scattered, large keeled
tubercles . Most if not all arenocturnal . They live in a diverse range of habitats and feed mainly onarthropods . The range of this genus is centred onSouthern Africa , some reachingEast Africa , the northernmost limit of their distribution.pecies
*Transvaal Thick-toed Gecko, "
Pachydactylus affinis "
*"Pachydactylus amoenus "
*Austen's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus austeni "
*"Pachydactylus barnardi "
*Bibron's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus bibronii "
*Velvety Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus bicolor "
*Cape Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus capensis "
*Angolan Banded Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus caraculicus "
*Banded Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus fasciatus "
*FitzSimon's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus fitzsimonsi "
*Smith's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus formosus "
*Brandberg Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus gaiasensis "
*Ocellated Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus geitje "
*Haacke's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus haackei "
*Thin-Skinned Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus kladaroderma "
*"Pachydactylus kobosensis "
*Koch's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus kochii "
*Calvinia Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus labialis "
*Fischer's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus laevigatus "
*Spotted Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus maculatus "
*Marico Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus mariquensis "
*"Pachydactylus monticolus "
*Namaqua Thcik-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus namaquensis "
*Golden Spotted Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus oculatus "
*Kaokoveld Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus oreophilus "
*O'Shaughnessy's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus oshaughnessyi "
*"Pachydactylus parascutatus "
*Speckled Thcik-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus punctatus "
*Rough Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus rugosus "
*San Steyn's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus sansteyni "
*Shertz's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus scherzi "
*Large-scaled Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus scutatus "
*Western Spotted Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus serval "
*Tete Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus tetensis "
*Tiger Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus tigrinus "
*Tsodilo Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus tsodiloensis "
*"Pachydactylus tuberculosus "
*Turner's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus turneri "
*Van Son's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus vansoni "
*Weber's Thick-toed Gecko, "Pachydactylus weberi "
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