Wateree River

Wateree River

The Wateree River, about 75 mi (120 km) long, is a tributary of the Santee River in central South Carolina in the United States, which flows to the Atlantic Ocean.


The Wateree River is a continuation of the Catawba River, which flows from the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina; the Catawba and Wateree are the same river with different names assigned to sections of it. The name change occurs at Lake Wateree, which is formed by a hydroelectric dam in Kershaw County, South Carolina, about the point where Wateree Creek empties into it. The Wateree flows generally southward through Kershaw County and along the common boundary of Richland and Sumter Counties, past the town of Camden. It joins the Congaree River to form the Santee River about 35 mi (55 km) southeast of Columbia.

ee also

*List of South Carolina rivers


* [http://reference.allrefer.com/gazetteer/W/W01207-wateree.html Columbia Gazetteer of North America entry]
*DeLorme (1998). "South Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer". Yarmouth, Maine: DeLorme. ISBN 0-89933-237-4.
*Gnis|1249440, retrieved 6 February 2006

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