- Rajeev Srinivasan
Rajeev Srinivasan (
Hindi : राजीव श्रीनिवासन) is anIndia njournalist , andHindu rights activist. He was educated atIndian Institute of Technology, Madras and atStanford Business School and works in software sales and is a marketing professional [http://www.atributetohinduism.com/quotes341_360.htm#Q345] . He writes a regular opinion column for Indian web portalRediff . He has been featured in Outlook and othermagazine s.His writings are generally conservative, in particular sympathetic to
Hindu nationalism .Most of the issues he frequents are about threats to Hinduism's and/or India's interests, including:
Islamism andIslamic extremist terrorism
* The rise of Chinese power and influence
*Christian missionary activity and conversions
*Minority appeasement politics in India
*Leftist politics in India
* Apparent Western bias against and insensitivity towards Indian interests
* The Aryan Invasion theory of Hinduism's appearance in India
* AllegedAnti-Hinduism expression in generalHe has an active
blog atBlogspot , titled "Shadow Warrior". As of March 2007, he has taken on a group of co-authors for the same, but maintains aWordpress blog for his sole authorship. Some of the majorblogosphere issues he has been instrumental in covering include theCalifornia textbook controversy over Hindu history andShekhar Gupta 's "Hindu fanatic bombers" slip-up.In December 2003, he made an appearance as a guest speaker at the
Indian Institute of Science 's "Prasthutha " forum, speaking on "Rethinking Indian History" [http://www.iisc.ernet.in/prasthu/photos.html] .External links
* [http://rajeev2007.wordpress.com/ Srinivasan's Wordpress blog]
* [http://rajeev2004.blogspot.com Srinivasan's co-authored Blogspot blog]
* [http://www.rediff.com/news/srinivas.htm Index of Srinivasan's columns at Rediff]
* [http://www.outlookindia.com/author.asp?name=Rajeev+Srinivasan www.outlookindia.com]
* [http://news.indiacurrents.com/news/view_article.html?artic news.indiacurrents.com]
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