Basic Element

Basic Element

: "Basic Element is also the investment firm owned by Oleg Deripaska".Basic Element is a Swedish Eurodance group of the mid 1990s, which has returned in 2005 and is still releasing new material.

From Malmö in Sweden the group originally consisted of keyboardist/programmers Peter Thelenius (Petrus), Cesar Zamini, accordion Branko Nuss, and vocalist Andrea Myrander.



*"Basic Injection" (1994)
*"The Ultimate Ride" (1995)
*"Star Tracks" (1996)
*"The Earthquake" (1998)
*"The Empire Strikes Back" (2007)


*"Move Me" (1993)
*"The Promise Man" (1993)
*"Touch" (1994)
*"Leave It All Behind" (1994)
*"The Ride" (1995)
*"The Fiddle" (1995)
*"This Must Be A Dream" (1995)
*"Queen Of Love" (1995)
*"Shame" (1996)
*"Rule Your World" (1996)
*"Heaven Can't Wait Just For Love" (1996)
*"Rok The World" (1998)
*"Love 4 Real" (1999)
*"This Must Be A Dream 2005" (2005)
*"Raise The Gain" (2006)
*"I'll Never Let You Know" (2006)
*"To You" (2007)
*"Feelings" (2008)

(Reference: [ Swedish Wikipedia] )

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