

Zumba is a fitness program inspired by Latin dance. It was founded by Miami-based dancer and choreographer Alberto 'Beto' Perez, who teamed up with two local entrepreneurs: Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion. Zumba combines Latin rhythms with cardiovascular exercise to create an aerobic routine that is fun and easy to follow. The name Zumba is derived from a Colombian word meaning to move fast and have fun. Zumba sells DVDs/videos through its website and via infomercials. More than 3 million DVDs have been sold in over 30 countries. Zumba currently has over 9,000 instructors worldwide. On October 15, 2007 Zumba was showcased on the "Today Show". OnOctober [2008] , worldwide Virgin Active sport centers started proposing Zumba classes in their programs.

“We utilize the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning. It’s a way of mixing body sculpting movements with easy-to-follow dance steps,” says creator Beto Perez. “It’s fun and addictive.”

“It’s wonderful to see so many people having fun while getting fit,” says Perez. “I think the terrific Latin rhythms in the program have taken the ‘work’ out of “working out.” [ [http://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/9/prweb437510.htm Latin-Inspired Fitness Zooms Off the Chart with Zumba] PRWeb Press Release, Sept 15, 2006]

Under their guidance and leadership, Zumba has aligned with AFAA (Aerobic & Fitness Association of American), SCW Fitness Education, Can-Fit-Pro (International Trade Show & Conference in Canada), and many top national fitness facility chains and organizations. [http://www.zumba.com/about.cfm] "A Taste of ... Zumba" Home Study program is a collaborative effort between AFAA and Zumba Fitness introducing to fitness instructors one of the most exciting fitness trends today, Zumba. A few of the basic Latin and international moves demonstrated by Zumba, such as the Salsa and Meringue, are introduced with a variety of movement variations to provide an effective and progressive cardiorespiratory workout. This course is an introductory course only, and does not issue trainers a license to teach Zumba. [http://www.afaa.com]


Inspired by Latin dance and music, Zumba uses a variety of styles in its routines, including cumbia, merengue, salsa, reggaeton, hip-hop, pop, mambo, rumba, flamenco, and calypso and Salsaton. Music selections include both fast and slow rhythms to help tone and sculpt the body.


* [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16890767/ "Zumba can help you shimmy off the pounds"] , a "Associated Press" article at MSNBC January 30, 2007



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