

Infobox German Location
Art = Gemeinde
Name = Selfkant
Wappen = Wappen von Selfkant.pnglat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 1
lon_deg = 5 |lon_min = 55
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Nordrhein-Westfalen
Regierungsbezirk = Köln
Kreis = Heinsberg
Höhe = 69
Fläche = 42.08
Einwohner = 10261
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 52538
Vorwahl = 02456
02455 (Saeffelen)
Kfz = HS
Gemeindeschlüssel = 05 3 70 024
Gliederung = 16
Straße = Am Rathaus 13
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Herbert Corsten
Partei =

Selfkant (Dutch: Selfkant or Zelfkant) is a municipality in the Heinsberg district, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the most westerly municipality in Germany. Its border with the Netherlands is 27 kilometres long, while the border with the rest of Germany is only 6 kilometres long.


The most important domain in Selfkant in the Middle Ages was the original Millen, the residence of the lords of Millen, which became part of the domain Heinsberg in 1282. In 1499 these were joined by the duke of Jülich and Millen became the seat of an "Amtmann". The places Tüddern, Wehr, Süsterseel and Hillensberg belonged to the "Amt" Born and from 1709 to the "Amt" Sittard.

From 1794 to 1815 Selfkant was part of the French canton Sittard (department of the Roer). After the Congress of Vienna it became part of the Prussian Rhine province. The border with the Netherlands which was then fixed continued to exist until shortly after the Second World War.


After the Second World War, on 23 April 1949, the Netherlands annexed Selfkant as part of war reparations, and its inhabitants were given a Dutch passport with the special indication "to be treated as a Dutchman". The Dutch government appointed a country "landdrost" to head the governing board of the Tüddern 'office', as the Selfkant was renamed for administrative purposes. The governing board appointed by the Germans was sent home because it was contrary to the Dutch constitution. However as a transitional measure for ex-German territories, the German governing board retained an advisory role.

At that time much was invested in such things as houses and roads. Parts of the area became Dutchified, and the Dutch influence is still present.

In the Dutch period, the N274 road was built to provide a direct link between Roermond and Heerlen. Even after 1963 the road remained a narrow strip or corridor of Dutch territory with no junctions with German roads, and no passport was needed to use it. On 25 February 2002 the road was returned to Germany and in the course of 2004 connections were made with several roads, among others with the B56 between Gangelt and Süsterseel.

German municipality

In March 1957 official negotiations started between the Netherlands and Germany concerning the return of the area, and on 1 August 1963 the area was returned to Germany in exchange for a payment of 280 million deutschemarks. From the existing 'office' of Tüddern the old municipalities of Havert, Hillensberg, Höngen, Millen, Süsterseel, Tüddern and Wehr were formed. Two months later, on 21 October 1963, the first municipal council elections under German authority were held.

The seven municipalities, with the municipality of Saeffelen from the Amt Waldfeucht, were added to the municipality Selfkant on 1 July 1969.

With 233 inhabitants per km² Selfkant is considered a rural municipality. Because of the favourable price of land the municipality is nowadays very much in demand with young families. A lot of Dutch cross the border to build their own houses there. Roughly one quarter to one half of the inhabitants are Dutch. At the mayoral election of 2003 a Dutch inhabitant put himself forward as candidate.

Many residents are also stationed, work, or are family members of employees at the NATO Air Base in Geilenkirchen. Tüddern alone has over 30 American families with the Gem. Selkant having dozens more. Many Canadians at the NATO base also live in Selfkant. English is quite prominent as a third language to Dutch and German in the whole area.

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