

Infobox River | river_name = Broye

caption = The Broye in Salavaux.
origin = Semsales (FR)
mouth = Lake Neuchâtel
basin_countries = Switzerland
length = 68 km
elevation =
discharge =
watershed = 850 km²
The Broye is a 68km long river, in the cantons of Fribourg and Vaud, in Switzerland. It has a watershed area of 850 km².


Its source is located in Semsales, in the Swiss Prealps, south-west of Bulle. It flows first south-west along the Prealps and turns north after 10km. The direction of the river changes again near Moudon to the north-east. From Payerne, the Broye is running in a large and agricultural valley. The river flows into Lake Murten first, and then into Lake Neuchâtel through the "Broye canal" (french: "Canal de la Broye")

List of Tributaries

* The Petite Glâne
* The Bressonne
* The Lembe
* The Arbogne


* Semsales
* Oron
* Moudon
* Lucens
* Payerne
* Salavaux
* Lake Murten
* Sugiez
* La Sauge
* Lake Neuchatel

External links

* [ Tourisme]
* [ Portail Internet de la Broye vaudoise et fribourgeoise]

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