Bouma sequence

Bouma sequence

The Bouma Sequence (after Arnold H. Bouma, 1962) describes a classic set of sedimentary beds (turbidites) deposited by a sediment-water turbidity current. The Bouma Sequence specifically describes the medium grained variety, which are usually found in the continental slope or rise setting.

The Bouma Sequence is divided into 5 distinct beds labelled a through to e, with a being at the bottom and e being at the top and each bed is described by Bouma as having a specific lithology (see below). In a real Bouma Sequence, some beds may be missing - Bouma describes the ideal sequence.

The beds are:

*e: Muds, ungraded, often bioturbated.
*d: Parallel laminated silts.
*c: Cross laminated sands.
*b: Parallel laminated sands.
*a: Sands and any larger grains the turbidity current was carrying at the time of deposition.


* Bouma, Arnold H., 1962, "Sedimentology of some Flysch deposits;: A graphic approach to facies interpretation", Elsevier, 168 pp.
* [ Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary]
* [ GeologyRocks Glossary Entry]

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