Villa sin Miedo

Villa sin Miedo

= Villa sin Miedo in the exhibition Contrasts by Jack and Irene Delano=

Historian and writer Ana Juarbe writes in an article titled "Imposing the Past on the Present: History, the Public, and the Columbus Quincentenary" [The Public Historian, Vol. 14, No. 4, Imposing the Past on the Present: History, the Public, and the Columbus Quincentenary (Autumn, 1992), pp. 129-131. This article consists of 3 page(s).] about the photographs of Villa Sin Miedo in Jack Delano's exhibition that "despite US citizenship, Puerto Rican national sentiment is convincingly expressed by land rescuers from a community know as "Villa Sin Miedo".

Villa sin Miedo in the book Puerto Rico Mio: Four decades of Change photographs by Jack Delano

In the book Puerto Rico Mio [see Puerto Rico Mio: Four decades of Change - photographs by Jack Delano (pg 142) (ISBN 0-87474-389-3)] we see two photographs of Villa Miedo from 1982. The caption on the first photograph reads "1982 - Villa Sin Miedo, an illegal community of homeless squatters, near Carolina; a few days after this picture was taken the people were ejected by the police and the houses burned." The caption on the second photograph (pg 143) there is a picture of a resident of Villa Sin Miedo inside of a room of a house. The caption reads "1982 - One of the squatters in the community known as Villa Sin Miedo near Carolina."

In the first photo we can see around twenty five wooden houses. They are arranged around a central dirt road that appears from the left side of the image and unfolds up towards a hill that reaches the horizon and meets a distant mountain scape. You can count six motor vehicles and a couple handfuls of people.

In the second photo a resident is seated on a bed inside a small room. A puertorican flag covers half of the wall to his back.

Villa sin Miedo in the web

In October 15, 2007 a video compilation of images of "Villas sin miedo y villas del sol" is uploaded to YouTube by kelekasherebo. The video shows photographs of the brutality of confrontations with the police. And the continuation of the communities despite the attacks.

In October 20, 2007 the video appears in Indymedia's website [ [ De Villa sin Miedo a Villas del Sol : CMI-PR ] ]


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