Isabella Santacroce

Isabella Santacroce

Isabella Santacroce is an Italian novelist.


Not a lot is known about Isabella Santacroces life. She was born and lives in Riccione. Her literally startup signs half the 1990s with her debut novel "Fluo", first book of a trilogy "Trilogia dello spavento" (trilogy of the frighten) (the other two are "Destroy" and "Luminal"). "Destroy" in a particular way becomes of a certain interest in Italy, described by Alessandro Baricco as a "book to read, if Enrico Brizzi is talented, there is double talent in the book [ [ IntercoM Science Fiction Station - Isabella Santacroce - Intervista all'Autrice ] ] ".The name of Santacroce was grouped together with the "Giovani Cannibali", (young Cannibals) a literally movement developed at the end of the Nineties (representative of that is the volume "Gioventù Cannibale" (young cannibals) published by Einaudi), formed by Italian young writers. Among them, Tiziano Scarpa, Aldo Nove, Niccolò Ammaniti, Enrico Brizzi, Tommaso Labranca, Tommaso Ottonieri, Luca Ragagnin and others together with Santacroce, give birth in 1997 to a philosophical-literally movement called, il "Nevroromanticismo", (the neuralromanticism) which means to express the unquiteness of existence.

In November 1998 for Polo Books she publishes "Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. Canzoni maledette", a collection of translations of the most representative texts and songs regarding the rock band Nirvana and Hole. Her book Luminal, about two young prostitutes on the run from their pimp, is adapted into an award winning movie directed by Andrea Vecchiato, starring Denis Lavant, and scored by Michael NymanAfter the end of the "Trilogy of frighten", Isabella Santacroce continues to work on the language remaining faithful to her own themes and in 2001 she publishes for Mondadori "Lovers". The theme of this book is Love in its various forms: Love of family, love between man and woman, Homosexual love, and uncorresponded love which inesorably brings to death. The language adopted in the book tries to get as closer as possible to a writing made of sounds, named by the author "a writing for pure feeling".

In 1999 started her collaboration with the Italian singer Gianna Nannini, which produced the album "Aria" in 2002, e the cartoon "Momo alla conquista del tempo", where the writer collaborated for texts. She helped even in the writing of lyrics for the other Gianna Nanninis cdGrazie” (Thanks), published in 2006.

In January 2004 "Revolver" , dedicated to Andrea Vecchiato, is published, this is a romance intense and violent, in which the writer talks about the history of a love not corresponded between the protagonist Angelica and a thirteen years old boy. In this book and in the next one "Zoo" published in February 2006, Santacroce tries to make the obscures zones of existence come outside into the light, she tells what we usually try to hide. Family is described as anhorrible carnival”, which deserves to be destroyed. 2007 is the year of "V.M.18", romance in which she talks about the totally unruled lives of three 14 years old girls in a college, this book signs the next change in the narrative style of Santacroce, defined by critics "seventeenhundreds".

Quotes (in italian language)


* "Fluo. Storie di giovani a Riccione" (Castelvecchi, 1995; Feltrinelli, 1999)
* "Destroy" (Feltrinelli, 1996)
* "Luminal" (Feltrinelli, 1998)
* "Lovers" (Mondadori, 2001)
* "Revolver" (Mondadori, 2004)
* "Dark Demonia" (Mondadori, 2005)
* "Zoo" (Fazi, 2006)
* "V.M.18" (Fazi 2007)


External links

* [ official site of the author]
* [ Site on myspace]
* [ fanlisting]

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