Generalized quadrangle

Generalized quadrangle

A generalized quadrangle is an incidence structure. A generalized quadrangle is by definition a polar space of rank two. They are the generalized n-gons with n=4. They are also precisely the partial geometries pg(s,t,alpha).


A generalized quadrangle is an incidence structure (P,B,I), with Isubseteq P imes B an incidence relation, satisfying certain axioms. Elements of P are by definition the points of the generalized quadrangle, elements of B the lines. The axioms are the following:
* There is a s (sgeq 1) such that on every line there are exactly s+1 points. There is at most one point on two distinct lines.
* There is a t (tgeq 1) such that through every point there are exactly t+1 lines. There is at most one line through two distinct points.
* For every point p not on a line L, there is a unique line M and a unique point q, such that p is on M, and q on M and L.

(s,t) are the parameters of the generalized quadrangle.


If (P,B,I) is a generalized quadrangle with parameters '(s,t)', then (B,P,I^{-1}), with I^{-1} the inverse incidence relation, is also a generalized quadrangle. This is the dual generalized quadrangle. Its parameters are '(t,s)'. Even if s=t, the dual structure need not be isomorphic with the original structure.


* |P|=(s t+1)(s+1)
* |B|=(s t+1)(t+1)
* When constructing a graph with as vertices the points of a generalized quadrangle, and with the collinear points connected, one finds a strongly regular graph.
* (s+t)|st(s+1)(t+1)
* s eq 1 Longrightarrow tleq s^2
* t eq 1 Longrightarrow sleq t^2

Classical generalized quadrangles

When looking at the different cases for polar spaces of rank at least three, and extrapolating them to rank 2, one finds these (finite) generalized quadrangles :

* A hyperbolic quadric Q(3,q), a parabolic quadric Q(4,q) and an elliptic quadric Q(5,q) are the only possible quadrics in projective spaces over finite fields with projective index 1. We find these parameters respectively : Q(3,q) : s=q,t=1 (this is just a grid) Q(4,q) : s=q,t=q Q(5,q) : s=q,t=q^2
* A hermitian variety H(n,q^2) has projective index 1 if and only if n is 3 or 4. We find : H(3,q^2) : s=q^2,t=q H(4,q^2) : s=q^2,t=q^3
* A symplectic polarity in PG(2d+1,q) has a maximal isotropic subspace of dimension 1 if and only if d=3. Here, we find s=q,t=q.

The generalized quadrangle derived from Q(4,q) is always isomorphic with the dual of the last structure.

Non-classical examples

* Let "O" be a hyperoval in PG(2,q) with "q" an even prime power, and embed that projective (desarguesian) plane pi into PG(3,q). Now consider the incidence structure T_2^{*}(O) where the points are all points not in pi, the lines are those not on pi, intersecting pi in a point of "O", and the incidence is the natural one. This is a "(q-1,q+1)"-generalized quadrangle.
* Let "q" be an integer (odd or even) and consider a symplectic polarity heta in PG(3,q). Choose a random point "p" and define pi=p^{ heta}. Let the lines of our incidence structure be all absolute lines not on pi together with all lines through "p", and let the points be all points of PG(3,q) except those in pi. The incidence is again the natural one. We obtain once again a "(q-1,q+1)"-generalized quadrangle

Restrictions on parameters

By using grids and dual grids, any integer z, zgeq 1 allows generalized quadrangles with parameters (1,z) and (z,1). Apart from that, only the following parameters have been found possible until now, with q an arbitrary prime power :

: (q,q): (q,q^2) and (q^2,q): (q^2,q^3) and (q^3,q^2): (q-1,q+1) and (q+1,q-1)


* S. E. Payne and J. A. Thas. Finite generalized quadrangles. Research Notes in Mathematics, 110. Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program), Boston, MA, 1984. vi+312 pp. ISBN 0-273-08655-3
* Koen Thas. Symmetry in finite generalized quadrangles. Frontiers in Mathematics. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2004. xxii+214 pp. ISBN 3-7643-6158-1

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