

The Zamzummim were a race of giants in Hebrew mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are described as having been a powerful people, populous and having a successful kingdom. They were defeated in the War of the Kings along with other Biblical giants such as the Rephaim, the Emim and the Horim. Sometimes the Zamzummim are referred to as Zumim. In Hebrew, "Zamzummim" (used by the Ammonites) literally translates into "Buzz-Buzzers", or "the people whose speech sounds like buzzing." In Arabic the word zamzamah translates as a distant, unclear sound. The area of Moab at Ar, (the region East of the Jordan) before the time of Moses, was also considered the land of the Rephaites. However, the Ammonites referred to them as the Zamzummites. The Zamzummites were a numerous and powerful race that was destroyed by God (Deuteronomy 2:18-21).

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