

Novogireevo ( _ru. Новогиреево) is a Moscow Metro station on Kalininskaya Line. It was constructed in 1979 in Moscow district Novogireevo, as the final terminus of the Perovo radius. The station was designed by Robert Pogrebnoi and Plyukhin. The station was the first of the newer version of the pillar-trispan with the step of the pillars further increased from 6 to 7.5 metres. The pillars are reveted with light-grey marble and the walls are reveted with steel blue marble. The upper parts of the pillars and the walls are decorated with friezes devoted to the nature of Moscow area (by A. Kuznetsov). The floor is faced with slabs of red and brown granite and strips of white marble.

The station has two entrances, and is at a depth of nine metres. About 110,000 passengers use Novogireevo station daily.

External links

* []
* [ (1)]
* [] — Station location and exits on Moscow map (English/Russian)

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