

Infobox Swiss town
subject_name = Kerns
municipality_name = Kerns
municipality_type = municipality
imagepath_coa = Kerns-coat of arms.svg|pixel_coa=

languages = German
canton = Obwalden
iso-code-region = CH-OW
district = n.a.
postal_code = 6064
municipality_code = 1404
area = 92.66
elevation = 564|elevation_description=
population = 5242|populationof = December 2003 | popofyear = 2003
website =
mayor = |mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
places =
demonym =
neighboring_municipalities= Alpnach, Dallenwil (NW), Ennetmoos (NW), Hasliberg (BE), Innertkirchen (BE), Lungern, Sachseln, Sarnen, Wolfenschiessen (NW)
twintowns = |

Kerns is a municipality in the canton of Obwalden in Switzerland.

It has a population of c. 5,200.

There are 380 local businesses which employ 1,300 people. 28% of these are in the agricultural sector, 32% in trade and industry, 40% in services.

The main sights of Kerns are: chapel "St. Niklausen", an old bridge ("Hohe Brücke"), and the pilgrimage church "Melchtal".

The reservoir Tannensee is located above the village, at 1976 m.

External links


Leon and Michele Kerns

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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