

In his discussion of North Africa Herodotus tells the story of the Psylli, “a tribe thatmet with extinction.” After the desert wind dried up their water holes, they marched out todo battle with it and were buried alive (IV.173). Pliny the Elder maintains more reasonablythat they werealmost exterminatedin a war with their neighbors, the Nasamones, butthe descendants of those who escapedsurvive today in a few places” (VII.2.14). Strabodoes not mention an unsuccessful war against either the desert wind or the Nasamones butonly that the Psylli were still in existence, occupyinga barren and arid region” (XVII.3.23)below the Nasamones. Later writers, especially poets, bestowed on the Psylli a reputationas great snake charmers.

It is claimed that the Psylli employed tests by animals in order to find out if their offspring was genuine and at the same time if their wives were faithful. Infant Psylli were subjected to snake-bites.


* Richard L. Smith, "What Happened to the Ancient Libyans?" "Journal of World History", Vol. 14.4 (2003), 459-500.
* Mario Lentano, "Gli Psilli della Grande Sirte e i serpenti," in Idem, "La prova del sangue. Storie di identità e storie di legittimità nella cultura latina". Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 2007 (Antropologia del mondo antico, 3), 29-50.

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