

Sirota is a Slavic last name. In Russian, " _ru. сирота" means "orphan". The following people share this last name:

*David Sirota (b. 1975), an American blogger
*Gershon Sirota (1874–1943), a Jewish-Ukrainian cantor
*Leo Sirota (1855–1965), a Ukrainian-born pianist
*Beate Sirota (b. 1923), a former Performing Arts Director of the Japan Society; daughter of Leo Sirota

*See also Milton Sirotta (1911–1980), who coined the word "googol"


*Sirota, an earth-bound demon in the TV series The Dresden Files

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  • siróta — e ž (ọ̑) 1. otrok, ki so mu umrli starši ali eden od njih: biti, postati sirota; skrbeti za sirote / je sirota brez matere, očeta / enostranska otrok brez enega od staršev, obojestranska sirota otrok brez staršev; občinska sirota nekdaj otrok… …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • SIROTA, GERSHON — (1874–1943), ḥazzan. Born in Podolia, Sirota took his first position as ḥazzan in Odessa when he was 21. He officiated in Vilna for eight years, and in about 1908 became ḥazzan of the Tłómacka Street Synagogue in Warsaw. Sirota was regarded as… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Sirota, Gershon — (1874 1943)    Lithuanian cantor. He was born in Podolia. He became hazzan in Odessa, and later served in Vilna and Warsaw. He undertook concert tours in Europe and the US …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • David Sirota — Born November 2, 1975 (1975 11 02) (age 36) New Haven, Connecticut Occupation Blogger, Columnist, Author …   Wikipedia

  • Beate Sirota — Gordon (born in Vienna, October 25, 1923), former Performing Arts Director of the Japan Society and of Asia Society, and a member of the team that worked under Douglas MacArthur on the Constitution of Japan. She is the only child of pianist Leo… …   Wikipedia

  • Nick Sirota — Born January 28, 1984 (1984 01 28) (age 27) Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Gershon Sirota — (1874 1943) fut un des plus grands chantres juifs (hazzanim) en Europe, connu sous l appelation du « Caruso juif »[1]. Éléments biographiques Gershon Sirota est né en 1874 en Podolie[2]. Au début de sa carrière, Gershon Sirota est… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Leo Sirota — (May 4, 1885 February 25, 1965) was a pianist born in Kamianets Podilskyi, Podolskaya Guberniya, Russian Empire, now Ukraine.Leo Sirota began studying piano at the age of five. By the age of nine he was already giving concerts and came to the… …   Wikipedia

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