Philomatic society

Philomatic society

Association of persons who love sciences. The term philomatic (in french "philomatique") is no longer in use. The Philomatic societies were influent in the nineteenth century. The most remarkable was the Philomatic Society on Paris ("Societé Philomatique de Paris").

ocieté philomatique de Paris

This Society was created on 10 December 1788 by Augustin-François de Silvestre, Alexandre Brogniard, Audirac, Broval, Petit and Riche. It was defined by J.-André Thomas, one of its members, as:

"La Société Philomathique de Paris est une société scientifique et philosophique pluridisciplinaire, de haut niveau. On en devient membre par cooptation, puis par vote de substitution, car le nombre de ses adhérents est limité. Elle est républicaine, non secrète, entièrement ouverte à la connaissance, farouchement indépendante; elle cultive l'authenticité, la tolérance, la liberté."

"The Philomatic Society of Paris is a high-level multidisciplinary scientific and philosophical society. One becomes a member by co-option, then by substitution vote as the number of members is limited. The Society is republican, non-secret, and fully open to knowledge, fiercely independent; it promotes authenticity, tolerance and freedom."

Many great scientists belonged to the Societé: Lavoisier, Laplace, Cuvier, Gay-Lussac, Ampère, Cauchy, Fresnel, Pasteur, H. Becquerel, De Broglie, Joliot. Since 1944 the Societé has had eleven Nobel Prize awarded scientists among its members, and seventeen among the emeritus (Dirac, Heisenberg, Morgan, Planck...)

The Societé lost importance after World War II. Although the Societé still exists it is poorly known and not very influential, partly due to lack of funds.

External links

* [ Webpage of the Societé Philomatique de Paris]

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