- Pedro Navaja
"Pedro Navaja" is a salsa song written and performed by
Rubén Blades , about a criminal of the same name. [ [http://www.maestravida.com/pedronavaja.html "Pedro Navaja" on MaestraVida.com] ] "Navaja" means "knife" or "razor" (hence ananalogy to Blades' surname) in Spanish. Inspired by the songMack the Knife , it tells the story of apander er's life and his presumed death ("Sorpresas" is a song that continues the story, revealing Navaja was still alive and even killed another panderer while he was being registered, provided that the other panderer believed he was truly dead, this song was written and performed by Blades himself). The song is recognized throughout Hispanic America as it picture scenes and stories common to all these countries, even though the story takes place inNew York City . The song deals with life, death and the unexpected with dark humor. There is a movie titled "Pedro Navaja", [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258016 IMDB profile] ] which is based on this song, and a musical, "La verdadera historia de Pedro Navaja", based in theKurt Weill andBertold Brecht 's play Die Dreigroschenoper, staged inLima ,Peru , starring, among other,Camila Mac Lennan .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.