Ibrahim I ibn al-Aghlab

Ibrahim I ibn al-Aghlab

Ibrahim I ibn al-Aghlab ( _ar. إبراهيم بن الأغلب; 756-812) was the first Emir of the Aghlabids in Ifriqiya (800-812)

He was the son of al-Aghlab, who successfully quelled the revolt of the Kharijites in Ifriqiya at the end of the 8th century. In 800 Ibrahim became Emir of Ifriqiya and founded the Aghlabid dynasty, and was recognised as the hereditary ruler by the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid.

After the pacification of the country he established a residence at al-Abbasiya to keep his distance from the restless jurists of Kairuan, who were always ready to incite the people into revolt. A guard of 5000 negro slaves was set up to avoid total dependence on Arab troops, the necessity of which measure was proven by the revolts of Arab soldiers in 802, 805 and 810. Ibrahim built up a strong administrative framework for the state which lay the foundations for the prosperity of Ifriqiya in the following century.

He was succeeded by his son Abdallah I (812-817).

Further reading

*Hitti, Philip K. "A History of the Arabs", 5th ed. London, 1951.

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