Palla Strozzi

Palla Strozzi

Palla di Onorio Strozzi (1372 - May 8, 1462) was an Italian banker, politician, writer, philosopher and philologist.


He was born in Florence into the rich family of the Strozzi. He was educated by humanists, learning Greek and Latin, and establishing an important collection of rare books.

In his sixties, together with Rinaldo degli Albizzi, he became the leader of the opposition against Cosimo de' Medici, the man who practically controlled the political power in Florence. Initially successful, the two secured the imprisonment of Cosimo, forcing him into exile in 1433.

However, when Cosimo returned, both the Strozzi and Albizi families were exiled in turn. In 1434, Palla moved to Padua, where he started to plan a return to his native city, which however never occurred.

He died in 1462, leaving his collection to the monastery of Santa Giustina. As patron of the arts, he was commissioner of Gentile da Fabriano's "Adoration of the Magi" in the Strozzi Chapel of Santa Trinita church in Florence. He additionally commissioned Fra Angelico's "Descent from the Cross" in the Sacristy of Santa Trinita in Florence.

His descendants settled in Ferrara.

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