- Wayne McAllister
Wayne McAllister (1907-2000) was a
Los Angeles -basedarchitect who was a leader in the Googie style of architecture [http://www.philpatton.com/mcallis.html] that embraced the automobile. Inspired by tail fins and gleaming chrome, he elevated thedrive-in restaurant and the theme hotel to futuristic works of art. His 1941El Rancho Vegas was the very first resort hotel on theLas Vegas Strip and his iconic 1949 Bob'sBig Boy restaurant inBurbank, California is a state of California historical landmark. [http://bobs.net/history/hist.html] He created the iconic circulardrive-in restaurants inSouthern California , including "Simon's", "Herbert's" and "Robert's" in the 1930's.His first major commission was the
Agua Caliente Casino and Hotel [http://www.lazarocardenas.edu.mx:88/noticias/mcallister-regresa-a-aguacaliente/?searchterm=Wayne%20McAllister] of 1928, a resortcasino andrace track that presaged his work in Las Vegas. McAllister designedrestaurant s andnightclub s including "Pig 'n Whistle", "Mike Lyman's", "Van De Kamp's", "Lawry's ", "Cinegrill" in theHollywood Roosevelt Hotel and restaurants and nightclubs at theMillennium Biltmore Hotel including theBiltmore Bowl , home to manyAcademy Awards ceremonies. [http://www.oscars.org/press/presskit/pdf/80aapk_07_presentationhistory.pdf]After the El Rancho Vegas [http://classiclasvegas.squarespace.com/a-brief-history-of-the-strip/2007/6/16/a-brief-history-of-the-las-vegas-strip-cont.html] , McAllister created the original plans for other hotels in Las Vegas including
El Cortez ,Desert Inn ,Sands Hotel , and theFremont Hotel and Casino . [http://library.nevada.edu/arch/archdb/archinfo.php?act=2&ent=person&level=3&id=13] His partnerWilliam Wagner createdBinion's Horseshoe in 1961.His
New York Times obituary [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C06E6DB1F3CF930A35757C0A9669C8B63] reported that he moved to Washington, D.C. to work forMarriott in 1956, becoming a Vice President and supervising the first hotels built by Marriott. He returned toLos Angeles in 1962 where he became an entrepreneur, including the early development of coin operatedphotocopying vending machines . TheLos Angeles Conservancy held an exhibition on his career at thePacific Design Center in 1998 [http://www.modcom.org/events.shtml] . He died onMarch 22 ,2000 at age 92 inArcadia, California , after a head injury that he never recovered from.There is a new book out about his work titled "The Leisure Architecture of Wayne McAllister."(Gibbs Smith, Publisher 2007) [http://gibbs-smith.com/default.asp?sid=35407032951&c2=detail&item=1083&returnParams=c2%3Dkeywordsearch%26sid%3D35407032951%26search%5Fby%3DKeyword%26keywords%3Dmcallister%26Search%2Bby%2Bkeyword%2Ex%3D0%26Search%2Bby%2Bkeyword%2Ey%3D0]
His projects include:
*Agua Caliente Casino and Hotel ,Tijuana, Mexico (1928)
*El Rancho Vegas Hotel ,Las Vegas, Nevada (1941)
*Bob's Big Boy, Burbank,California (1949)
*Desert Inn ,Las Vegas, Nevada (1950)
*Sands Hotel ,Las Vegas, Nevada (1952)
*Fremont Hotel & Casino ,Las Vegas, Nevada (1956)References
* [http://bobs.net/history/hist.html]
* [http://www.philpatton.com/mcallis.html]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02EED8103BF934A35752C0A9679C8B63&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss]
* [http://library.nevada.edu/arch/archdb/archinfo.php?act=2&ent=person&level=3&id=13]External links
* [http://www.gibbs-smith.com/contributorinfo.cfm?ContribID=710 /The Leisure Architecture of Wayne McAllister]
* [http://www.modcom.org/ Los Angeles Conservancy Modern Committee - ModCom]
* [http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2000/Apr-01-Sat-2000/news/13287854.html Las Vegas Review Journal Obit]
*The Leisure Architecture of Wayne McAllister, Chris Nichols (Gibbs Smith, Publisher: Layton, Utah) 2007 [http://gibbs-smith.com/default.asp?sid=35407032951&c2=detail&item=1083&returnParams=c2%3Dkeywordsearch%26sid%3D35407032951%26search%5Fby%3DKeyword%26keywords%3Dmcallister%26Search%2Bby%2Bkeyword%2Ex%3D0%26Search%2Bby%2Bkeyword%2Ey%3D0]
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