

name = Pseudophryne

image_caption = The Red-crowned Toadlet ("Pseudophryne australis")
image_width = 240px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Amphibia
ordo = Anura
familia = Myobatrachidae
genus = "Pseudophryne"
genus_authority = Fitzinger, 1843

range_map_caption = The distribution of "Pseudophryne" (in black).
range_map_width = 240px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "See text"

"Pseudophryne" is a genus of small Myobatrachid frogs. All of these frogs are small terrestrial frogs, and as such, most species are commonly called toadlets. The genus is comrpised of thirteen species, ten from eastern Australia, and three from Western Australia. Species within the "Pseudophryne" genus lay their eggs on moist ground. The tadpoles develop within the eggs, and once they reach hatching size, will become dormant. Once sufficient rain occurs to flush the eggs into a creek or river, the eggs will hatch and release tadpoles into the water. Many of the species within this genus have the ability to form hybrids.


There are thirteen species from the "Pseudophryne" genus:


*cite book| last=Barker| first=J.| coauthors=G.C. Grigg, M.J. Tyler| year=1995| title=A Field Guide to Australian Frogs| publisher=Surrey Beatty & Sons| id=ISBN 0-949324-61-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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