Kings of Uisnech

Kings of Uisnech

The Kings of Uisnech were of the Uí Néill and one of its major southern branches, the Clann Cholmáin. The Hill of Uisnech is located in what is now County Westmeath, and was in early historic Ireland considered as the area where all five provinces met.

A list of the kings of Uisnech is found amongst the regnal lists in "The Book of Leinster". The earliest kings of Uisnech were:

* Conall Cremthainne mac Néill, d.480
* Fiachu mac Néill
* Ardgal mac Conaill, d.520
* Maine mac Cerbaill, d. 538
* Diarmait mac Cerbaill, d. 565 (also king of Tara)
* Colmán Már mac Diarmato meic Cerbaill, d. 555/558
* Colmán Bec mac Diarmato, d. 587.
* Suibne mac Colmáin Már, d. 600.
* Fergus mac Colmáin Már, d. 618.
* Óengus mac Colmáin Bec, d. 621.
* Conall Guthbinn mac Suibni, d. 635.
* Máel Dóid mac Suibni, d. 653.
* Diarmait Dian mac Airmetaig Cáech, d. 689.
* Murchad Midi, d. 715.

Kings of Uisnech family tree

Diarmait mac Cerbaill (Fergus), d. 565

Colmán Már, d. 555/558. Colmán Bec, d. 589.
Suibhne, d. 600. Fergus, d. 618. Óengus, d. 621.
| | Conall Guthbinn, d. 635. Colcu, d. 618. Máel Dóid, d. 654

Airmedach Cáech, d. 637.
Sechnasach, d. 681. Diarmait Dian, d. 689 Fáelchú, d. 637
also King of Mide _________________________|_____________
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Bodbchad Áed Colcu Murchad Midi, d. 715 d. 704 d. 704 d.714 also King of the Uí Néill

Domnall Midi, d. 763 King of Tara

Later kings of Uisnech included:

* Domnall Midi mac Murchada (d. 763; also king of Tara)
* Niall mac Diarmata meic Airmedaig (?d. c. 768 or 826)
* Muiredach mac Domnaill Midi (d. 802)
* Donnchad Midi mac Domnaill Midi (d. 797; also king of Tara)
* Conchobar mac Donnchada (d. 833)
* Máel Ruanaid mac Donnchada Midi (d. 843)
* Máel Sechnaill mac Maíl Ruanaid (d. 862; also king of Tara)
* Lorcán mac Cathail meic Conchobair (blinded 864)
* Donnchad mac Eochacháin meic Conchobair (d. 877)
* Flann Sinna mac Máel Sechlainn (d. 916; also king of Tara)
* Conchobar mac Flainn Sinna (d. 919)
* Domnall mac Flainn Sinna (d. 921)
* Donnchad Donn mac Flainn Sinna (d. 944; also king of Tara)
* Óengus mac Donnchada Duinn (d. 945)
* Donnchad mac Domnaill meic Flainn Sinna (d. 950)
* Fergal mac Óengusa (d. c. 950)
* Áed mac Máele Ruanaid meic Flainn Sinna (d. 951)
* Domnall mac Donnchada Duinn (d. 952)
* Carlus mac Cuinn meicc Donnchada Duinn (d. 960)
* Muirchertach [likely son of Congalach Cnogba mac Máele Mithig of Brega (d. 964)]
* Máel Sechnaill Mór mac Domnaill meic Donnchada Duinn (d. 1022; also king of Tara)
* Máel Sechnaill Got mac Máel Sechlainn meic Cináeda meic Domnaill meic Flainn Sinna (d. 1025)
* Róen mac Muirchertaig meic Máel Sechlainn meic Máele Ruanaid meic Conchobair meic Flainn Sinna (d. 1027)
* Domnall Got (d. 1030)
* Conchobar mac Flainn [? or should be Conchobar mac Domnaill meic Máel Sechlainn Móir(d. 1073)]
* Murchad mac Flainn mac Domnaill meic Máel Sechlainn Móir (d. 1076)
* Máel Sechnaill Bán mac Conchobair meic Domnaill (d. 1087)
* Domnall mac Flainn mac Domnaill meic Máel Sechlainn Móir (d. 1094)
* Conchobar mac Máel Sechlainn Báin (d. 1105)
* Donnchad mac Murchada mac Flainn (deposed 1105; d. 1106)
* Máel Sechnaill mac Donnchada meic Murchada (d. 1115?) and Murchad mac Donnchada meic Murchada


* "Clann Cholmáin" (Table 3) in "The Kingship and Landscape of Tara", ed Edel Bhreathnach, Four Courts, Dublin, 2005, pp.344-45.

*'Ríg Uisnig', in R.I. Best, Osborn Bergin, and M.A. O'Brien (eds), "The Book of Leinster formerly Lebar na Núachongbála" vol. 1 (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1954), pp 196-8.

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