- Joseph Unger
Joseph Unger (born in Vienna
July 2 ,1828 -May 12 ,1913 ) was an Austrian jurist and statesman. Having studied law at the university of his native city, he in 1850 was appointed assistant librarian, and in 1852 "privatdozent ", at his alma mater. The following year he was called toPrague as assistant professor at the university, and in 1855 to Vienna in a similar capacity. In 1857 he was appointed professor of jurisprudence at the latter institution. In 1867 he was successively elected a member of the Austrian Landtag and of the Reichsrath; but on account of ill health he had to resign in the following year. Appointed in 1869 by theEmperor of Austria a life-member of theHouse of Lords , he soon became the whip of theLiberal Party . Two years later he became minister (without portfolio) in Prince Auersperg's cabinet, but resigned upon the prime minister's defeat in 1879. In 1881 he was appointed president of the Reichsgericht (Supreme Court of Administration). Unger is a convert toChristianity .Literary works
Of Unger's works the following may be mentioned:
* "Die Ehe in Ihrer Welthistorischen Entwicklung" (Vienna, 1850);
* "Ueber Wissenschaftliche Behandlung des Oesterreichischen Gemeinen Privat-rechtes" (ib. 1853);
* "Der Entwurf eines Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das Königreich Sachsen" (ib. 1853);
* "System des Oesterreichischen Allgemeinen Privatrechts" (Leipzig, 1856-64; vols. i and ii, 5th ed., 1892; vol. vi, 1894)
a standard work on Austrian law, which established Unger's reputation;
* "Die Rechtliche Natur der Inhaberpapiere" (Vienna, 1857);
* "Der Revidierte Entwurf eines Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das Königreich Sachsen" (ib. 1861);
* "Zur Lösung der Ungarischen Frage"
(ib. 1861; written in collaboration withAdolf Fischhof , and published anonymously), a work advocating a dual monarchy for Austria and Hungary, its appearance marking Unger's entry upon a political career;
* "Die Verlassenschaftsabhandlung in Oesterreich" (ib. 1865); "Zur Reform der Wiener Universität" (ib. 1865);
* "Die Verträge zu Gunsten Dritter" (Jena, 1869);
* "Schuldübernahme" (Vienna, 1889);
* "Handeln auf Eigene Gefahr" (Jena, 1891);
* "Handeln auf Fremde Gefahr" (ib. 1894);References
*JewishEncyclopedia|Unger, Joseph
*Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon
*Meyers Konversations-Lexikon
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