- Yizhou
:"Yizhou (益州) is also an ancient name for the
Sichuan basin "Yizhou (宜州) is a
county-level city located inGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , in the southern part of thePeople's Republic of China . It formerly was known as "Yishan " 宜山.Yizhou is located in the northwest of
Guangxi province in an areas noted for its magificantkarst formations. The limestone karst formations dot the city and surrounding country and beautiful rivers cut through the landscape. The city of Yizhou has several hundred thousand inhabitants. The surrounding country side is home to a number of ethnicZhuang villages. The economy is centered on sugar production. Located near Yizhou is a British-Chinese jointly run sugar processing plant. The country side surrounding Yizhou is similar in appearance to the tourist MeccaYangshuo , located in the east of Guangxi province. While Yizhou has a convenient tourist infrastructure, there are very few foreign tourists who visit the city.Perhaps the most famous invidivual in the history of Yizhou is the legendary
Song Dynasty singerLiu Sanjie 刘三姐, renowned for her beautiful singing voice. The people of Yizhou believe that Liu was born there and a statue of her is in the city center.In 2002 a riot struck the city. The
Yizhou riots involved violence between the police and local farmers.There are a Yishan Road and a Yishan light rail station in Shanghai named after the city.
On the 26th of August, 2008 an explosion at a Yiuzhou chemical plant killed 20 people and injured many more. 11,000 were evacuated from their homes. [Xinhua News Agency 27th August 2008]
* [http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-08/27/content_9724017.htm Xinhua News Agency 27th August 2008]
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