Carnot's theorem

Carnot's theorem

In Euclidean geometry, Carnot's theorem, named after Lazare Carnot (1753–1823), is as follows. Let "ABC" be an arbitrary triangle. Then the sum of the signed distances from the circumcenter "D" to the sides of triangle "ABC" is

:"DF" + "DG" + "DH" = "R" + "r",

where "r" is the inradius and "R" is the circumradius. Here the sign of the distances is taken negative if and only if the line segment "DX" ("X" = "F", "G", "H") lies completely outside the triangle. In the picture "DF" is negative and both "DG" and "DH" are positive.

Carnot's theorem is used in a proof of the Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons.

External links

* [ Carnot's Theorem] at cut-the-knot
* [ Yet another Carnot's Theorem with multiple applications] at cut-the-knot
* [ Carnot's Theorem] by Chris Boucher. The Wolfram Demonstrations Project.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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