PP 7312

PP 7312

PP 7312:2002 Structural Design comprises extracts from British Standards for students of structural design.

The study guide and reference used in the United Kingdom by Civil Engineering students to learn structural design. Currently it is being replaced by the Eurocodes as the UK comes in line with the EU.

Essentially, the PP 7312:2002 is a collection of extracts from various British Standards currently used in structural design. These extracts are simplified for student comprehension and ease of teaching. It should never be assumed that the extracts are complete versions of the included British Standards. They should instead be viewed as general overviews of particular British Standards.

The PP 7312:2002 is sold through the [http://www.bsi-global.com/HigherEducation/Education+Publications/PP7312_2002.xalter British Standard Institute] .

These codes are not always in the order that they need to be used for design, this leads to a lot of page turning causing pages to fall out of the leaver arch folder.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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