

Farroupilha is a city in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in the Serra Gaúcha between the cities of Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sul. The city’s total length is 359.3 km². Farroupilha has 60,624 residents (2004 estimate).

Like the Festa da Uva in neighbor city Caxias do Sul, Farroupilha hosts a Kiwi Festival called Fenakiwi which is short for Festa Nacional do Kiwi or National Kiwi Fest.


The area of Farroupilha was first settled in 1875 by three families (Stefano Crippa, Tomazo Radaelli and Luigi Sperafico) that immigrated from Milan, Italy. The municipality of Farroupilha was officially created on December 11, 1934. The city was named "Farroupilha" after the Centennial anniversary of the Farroupilha Revolution that was celebrated in the subsequent year.

External links

* [http://www.farroupilha.rs.gov.br/ Farroupilha City Hall] (in Portuguese)
* [http://www.fenakiwi.com.br/ Kiwi Fest Fenakiwi] (in Portuguese)

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