TDA is a three-letter abbreviation that may refer to:

* The Devil's Arse (as used by GSS Lending)
* Tanzania Dental Association
* Time deposit account
* Tax Deferred Annuity
* TDA, the ITU prefix assigned to Guatemala
* Taken and Driven Away, a British term for the unauthorised use of a vehicle; see TWOC
* Team Disney Anaheim, the administrative headquarters of the Disneyland Resort in California
* Team DotA Allstars, a Warcraft III gaming clan which uses a custom map,
* Texas Department of Agriculture []
* The Disney Afternoon, a two-hour television programming block
* The Timber decking Association []
* The United States Trade and Development Agency []
* The Training and Development Agency for Schools in the UK
* The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis in GEF international waters projects.
*Transit Detection Algorithm, developed by the PlanetQuest project to detect new planets
* Technical Design Advisor
* Dark Ages Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game
* The Tournament Directors Association, an organization that works to standardize poker tournament rules worldwide []
* Toa Domestic Airlines, later known as Japan Air System

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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