Infobox Software
name = XiRCON

caption = Xircon 1.0b4 running Kano 15b8 w/ conio theme loaded on Windows XPUbuntu
developer =
released =
frequently_updated =
programming language = Tcl-scripted
operating system =
platform =
language =
genre = IRC client
license =
website =

XiRCON is a Tcl-scripted IRC client for Microsoft Windows. It was developed by Mark Hanson (software developer) and considered at one time a strong rival to mIRC. Development ceased in 1997 upon release of version 1.0 Beta 4. Despite this XiRCON fielded a steadily growing community based around the popular Kano script. As mIRC progressed it started to include XiRCON features such as multi-server support and visual themes. XiRCON's remaining userbase began to dwindle as mIRC became more stable and popular scripts comparable to Kano were released. A very small community still keeps the program alive via moderating the official IRC channel, #XiRCON on EFnet.

An attempt was made to clone XiRCON [cite web|title=XiRCON-II|url=http://wiki.tcl.tk/XiRCON-II|accessdate=2008-02-09] by David Gravereaux, who was also the author of the Falcon extension [cite web|title=Falcon extension for XiRCON|url=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1616&package_id=2093|accessdate=2008-02-09] for XiRCON, but alas, he has yet to complete it. David also made a hack [cite web|title=XiRCON Tcl 8.1+ hack|url=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1616&package_id=27045|accessdate=2008-02-09] for XiRCON that allowed it to use any Tcl core v8.1 or higher.

External links

*wayback|http://www.xircon.com|Official website
*wayback|http://www.xircon.com/scripts|Official script archive
* [http://www.kano.net/kanotcl/ Kano Website]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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