- Placentation
In biology, placentation refers to the formation, type and structure, or arrangement of
placenta s. The function of placentation is to transfers nutrients from maternal tissue to a growingembryo . Placentation is best known in pregnant female mammals (eutheria ), but also occurs in other animals, eggs (yolk sac placentation) andflowering plant s.Placentation in mammals
In placental mammals, the placenta forms after the embryo implants into the wall of the
uterus . The developingfetus is connected to it via anumbilical cord . Animal placentas are classified based on the number of tissues separating the maternal from the fetal blood. The placentation types found in animals are:
* endotheliochorial placentation (e.g. in mostcarnivore s likecat s anddog s)
* epitheliochorial placentation (e.g. inruminant s,horse s,whale s)
* hemochorial placentation (e.g. in mostprimate s, includinghuman s)During
pregnancy , placentation is the formation and growth of the placenta inside the uterus. It occurs after the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall and involves the remodeling ofblood vessel s in order to supply the needed amount of blood. In humans, placentation takes place 7-8 days after fertilization.In the case of
twin s, dichorionic placentation refers to the presence of two placentas (in alldizygotic and somemonozygotic twins). Monochorionic placentation occurs when monozygotic twins develop with only one placenta and bears a higher risk of complications during pregnancy. Abnormal placentation can lead to an early termination of pregnancy, for example inpre-eclampsia .Placentation in plants
flowering plant s, placentation occurs where theovule s are attached inside the ovary. The ovules inside aflower 's ovary (which later become theseed s inside afruit ) are attached via [funicle] , the plant equivalent of an umbilical cord. The part of the ovary where the funicles attaches is referred to as placenta.In botany, the term placentation most commonly refers to the arrangement of placentas inside a flower or fruit. Plant placentation types include:
*Basal placentation: The placenta is at the base (bottom) of the ovary. Simple or compound carpel.
*Apical placentation: The placenta is at the apex (top) of the ovary. Simple or compound carpel.
*Parietal placentation: The placentas are in the ovary wall within a non-sectioned ovary. Compound carpel.
*Axil placentation: The ovary is sectioned by radial spokes with placentas in separatelocule s. Compound carpel.
*Free or central placentation: The placentas are in a central column within a non-sectioned ovary. Compound carpel.
*Marginal placentation: There is only one elongated placenta on one side of the ovary. This is conspicuous in legumes. Simple carpel.ee also
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