

Baruch (Hebrew Name|בָּרוּךְ|Baruḫ|Bārûḵ|"Blessed") has been a given name among Jews from Biblical times up to the present, on some occasions also used as surname. It is also found, though more rarely, among Christians - particularly among Protestants who use Old Testament names.

Except for its use as a name, this is also related to "berakhah" or "bracha" (Hebrew: ברכה; plural ברכות, "berakhot"), which is a Jewish blessing. See also: "Baraka" and "Barakah".

The root B-R-K meaning "blessing" is also present in other Semitic languages. The most common Arabic form is the passive form Mubarak, but the form Barack is also used.

People with the given name Baruch


* Baruch ben Neriah, aide to the prophet Jeremiah
* Baruch, son of Zabbai; one of Nehemiah's helpers in repairing the walls of Jerusalem
* Baruch, son of Col-Hozeh; a member of the Tribe of Judah who settled in Jerusalem

Later times

* Baruch Spinoza, Dutch rationalist philosopher
* Baruch Blumberg, American Nobel-prize winning physician, developed Hepatitis B vaccine
* Baruch Goldstein, American-Israeli settler physician who murdered 29 Muslim worshipers in 1994

Fictional Caharacters

* The Baruch of Baghdad, the king of the Saracens in Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Parzival"
* Baruch ("His Dark Materials"), a fictional angel in the "His Dark Materials" series

People with the surname Baruch

* Bernard Baruch, American financier, stock market speculator, statesman, and presidential adviser.

criptures attributed to Baruch ben Neriah

* "Book of Baruch" or "1 Baruch", a deuterocanonical book, considered by Jews and most Protestants to be apocryphal
* "2 Baruch", also called the "Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch"
* "3 Baruch", also called the "Greek Apocalypse of Baruch"
* "4 Baruch", also known as the "Paraleipomena of Jeremiah"

Other uses of "Baruch"

* Baruch College, part of the City University of New York
* Baruch Plan, a proposed U.S. atomic energy plan following WWII

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