Tadrart Acacus

Tadrart Acacus

Infobox World Heritage Site
WHS = Rock-Art Site of Tadrart Acacus

State Party =
Type = Cultural
Criteria = iii
ID = 287
Region = Arab States
Year = 1985
Session = 9th
Link = http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/287

Tadrart Acacus ( _ar. تدرارت أكاكوس) is a desert area in western Libya and is part of the Sahara. It is situated close to the Libyan city of Ghat. "Tadrart" means 'mountain' in the native language of the area (Tamahaq language). It has a particularly rich array of prehistoric rock art.

The Acacus has a large variation of landscapes, from differently coloured sanddunes to arches, gorges, rocks and mountains. Major landmarks are the arches of Afzejare and Tin Khlega. Although this area is one of the most arid of the Sahara, there is vegetation, such as the callotropis plant.

The area is known for its rock-art and was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 because of the importance of these paintings and carvings. The paintings date from 12,000 BC to 100 AD and reflect cultural and natural changes in the area. [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/287 UNESCO Fact Sheet] ] There are paintings and carvings of animals such as giraffes, elephants, ostriches and camels, but also of men and horses. Men are depicted in various daily life situations, for example while making music and dancing. cite map
publisher = EWP
title = Jebel Acacus Map and Guide
url = http://ewpnet.com/libya/akakus.htm
edition = 1st
year = 2006
cartography= EWP
scale = 1:100,000, inset 1:400,000. Tourist and cave art information.
isbn = 0906227-933
] [ [http://www.ewpnet.com/libya/acacus/index.htm Acacus Rock Art Photo Gallery] ]


Further reading

* Minozzi S., Manzi G., Ricci F., di Lernia S., and Borgognini Tarli S.M. (2003) "Nonalimentary tooth use in prehistory: an Example from Early Holocene in Central Sahara (Uan Muhuggiag, Tadrart Acacus, Libya)" "American Journal of Physical Anthropology" 120: pp.225-232;
* Mattingly, D. (2000) "Twelve thousand years of human adaptation in Fezzan (Libyan Sahara)" in G. Barker, Graeme and Gilbertson, D.D. (eds) "The Archaeology of Drylands: Living at the Margin" London, Routledge, pp. 160-79;
* Cremaschi, Mauro and Di Lernia, Savino (1999) "Holocene Climatic Changes and Cultural Dynamics in the Libyan Sahara" "African Archaeological Review" 16(4): pp. 211-238;
* Cremaschi, Mauro; Di Lernia, Savino; and Garcea, Elena A. A. (1998) "Some Insights on the Aterian in the Libyan Sahara: Chronology, Environment, and Archaeology" "African Archaeological Review" 15(4): pp.261-286;
* Cremaschi, Mauro and Di Lernia, Savino (eds.) (1998) "Wadi Teshuinat: Palaeoenvironment and Prehistory in South-western Fezzan (Libyan Sahara)" Florence, Insegna del Giglio;
* Wasylikowa, K. (1992) "Holocene flora of the Tadrart Acacus area, SW Libya, based on plant macrofossils from Uan Muhuggiag and Ti-n-Torha Two Caves archaeological sites" "Origini" 16: pp.125-159;
* Mori, F., (1960) "Arte Preistorica del Sahara Libico" Rome, De Luca;
* Mori, F., (1965) "Tadrart Acacus", Turin, Einaudi;

External links

* [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/287 UNESCO Fact Sheet]
* [http://www.acacus.it/eng/index.htm Italian-Libyan Archaeological Mission in the Acacus and Messak]
* [http://www.naturalarches.org/gallery-LibyaPortfolio.htm Natural Arches of the Akakus Plateau]

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