

Virakta Siddaroda Swamy (1837 - 1929) [ Saints of India, [] ] was a great Hindu mystic of the Advaita Vedanta stream and is widely regarded as one of the greatest saints of Hinduism. He lived in karnataka roaming from place to place. The core of his teachings was the practice of Advaita Vedanta.

iddaroda's Life

He lived the renounced life style all his life. His mahasamadi is in Hubli town of Karnataka. People believe that he used to do miracles. They is a proverb in kannada saying "Siddarodara Jolige Jagakkella holige". it means, if siddarodata begs, every one in the world gets the sweets!. He never practiced Casteism. He saw devinity in every existence of the world.

His Teachings

He is an acknowledged Hindu master of the Advaita Vedanta stream of Vedic thought, and has many followers throughout India, specially in Karnataka and Maharashtra villages. This system of philosophy endorses the view that the 'true being' within each one of us is the Ultimate, sublime reality, the Brahman (the one without a second). What prevents us from realizing this is the ego, or the association of the mind with the body (and, from a larger perspective, worldly affairs). Therefore, this ego must be destroyed in order to realize the truth. Advanced thinkers would note that 'realize the truth' is a bit of a misnomer, because we already "are" the truth, and we only need to remove the false veil.

Teachers in the tradition

External links

* [| Shri Sadguru Sidhharudh Adhyatma Samiti]
* [| Siddharudh Swami Maharaj ]
* [| Sri Siddharudha Swami]
* [| Siddharudha Swami]


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