Drink in My Hand — Single by Eric Church from the album Chief Released Aug … Wikipedia
hit the bottle — (slang) To drink excessively • • • Main Entry: ↑hit * * * hit the bottle/take to the bottle/informal phrase to start drinking a lot of alcohol He hit the bottle after losing his job … Useful english dictionary
hit — [hit] vt. hit, hitting [ME hitten < OE hittan < ON hitta, to hit upon, meet with < IE base * keid , to fall > Welsh cwydd, a fall] 1. to come against, usually with force; strike [the car hit the tree] 2. to give a blow to; strike;… … English World dictionary
hit the spot — {v. phr.}, {informal} To refresh fully or satisfy you; bring back your spirits or strength. Used especially of food or drink. * /A cup of tea always hits the spot when you are tired./ * /Mother s apple pie always hits the spot with the boys./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hit the spot — {v. phr.}, {informal} To refresh fully or satisfy you; bring back your spirits or strength. Used especially of food or drink. * /A cup of tea always hits the spot when you are tired./ * /Mother s apple pie always hits the spot with the boys./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Drink the Water — Song by Jack Johnson from the album Brushfire Fairytales Released February 1, 2001 Recorded 2000 2001 Genre Rock … Wikipedia
drink — [n] beverage; alcoholic beverage alcohol, booze*, brew, cup, draft, glass, gulp, libation, liquid, liquor, potable, potation, potion, refreshment, shot, sip, slug*, spirits, spot*, swallow, swig, taste, thirst quencher*, toast; concept 454 Ant.… … New thesaurus
hit the sauce — drink alcohol usually heavily and regularly He has been hitting the sauce now for a couple of months although he says that he doesn t drink … Idioms and examples
hit the bottle — drink liquor, get drunk to forget problems When Laura left him, he hit the bottle, drinking to forget her … English idioms
hit the bottle — drink alcohol (usually a negative meaning) She started to hit the bottle soon after her divorce … Idioms and examples